Laminate Veneers

Laminate Veneers

Laminate veneer, which is also known as porcelain veneer, is an ideal treatment method to eliminate aesthetic disorders. This method is preferred in deformations such as fractures in the teeth of individuals. Each laminated veneer is measured individually and it is precisely designed. This treatment is completed by gluing the veneers to the front surfaces of the teeth. The reason why porcelain veneers are frequently preferred is that they do not cause any abrasion on the teeth. With this type of treatment, the individual will have both compatible and more aesthetic teeth. Laminate is also known as leaf porcelain. This is because it has a thin and transparent appearance like a leaf. These veneers, which are invisible from the moment they are combined with the teeth, have a natural appearance.

What are the Advantages of Laminated Veneer?

Laminated veneer provides individuals with many advantages in terms of both health and aesthetics. It is possible to rank them as follows:

  • A place with only the nail width is opened on the teeth.
  • There is no need to cut or reduce the teeth unnecessarily.
  • Porcelains are in a very thin layer as is known. This being the case, it is ideal in terms of transmitting and reflecting light. Because having these features shows that it is very close to the natural tooth. Thus, it gives individuals a perfect aesthetic appearance.
  • They can resist abrasions.
  • Factors such as cigarettes, tea and coffee cause tartar and staining on the teeth. At this point, since the surface of the coatings is smooth, it ensures that these formations are minimized.

As Medisen Health, we perform your laminate veneer process with our expert dentists. We provide the best conditions before and after your treatment processes so that you have healthy and flawless teeth. You can come to our clinic in Antalya and get the best quality service at the most affordable price at the point of health tourism.

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